Preschool Assessment

Your child’s progress and abilities are assessed in a variety of ways in an early childhood setting. Assessments can be formal (through testing measures) and informal (non-test measures). Below is a list of the types of assessments that will be used when determining your child’s abilities in class. It is important to remember that each child’s developmental levels differ, which is the reason why various forms of assessments are used.


Formal Assessment

Brigance—This screening is given to each child upon entering and exiting preschool, prekindergarten, and kindergarten. It accesses readiness skills (the ability to state one’s name, birth date, and age, identify colors and shapes, and identify body parts). This screening helps the teacher plan appropriate activities for each child.

IPT/I.D.E.A—This screening is also given to each child upon entering kindergarten. It accesses language proficiency to determine the type of support needed to for language development.


Informal Assessment

Observations—Observations are various and different types of checklist, journals, notes, and other forms that are based on watching children interact in their classroom.

Portfolios—A portfolio is a collection of samples of what children do. It is used to illustrate and document a child’s progress over a period of time.

Parent and Family Support—Parents and family members can provide information regarding a child’s development, interactions and activities at home and away from school to assist the teacher in planning.