Eugenio Maria de Hostos Center for Early Childhood Education Home

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Important Notice

🚨IMPORTANT🚨Cybersecurity Incident Clarification

Please be advised of this letter from the Union City Superintendent of School Silvia T. Abbato concerning a recent cybersecurity incident. Thank you for taking the time to review all of the pertinent information.
Celebrating the Week of Respect at the ECC

The Importance of the Week of Respect

The young learners at the ECC in Room 210 are celebrated peace, love and RESPECT during Week of Respect. The students listened to the story: The Day You Begin and had a great discussion about accepting ourselves and our friends. They discussed how they can celebrate and appreciate their differences. The students had a great time making a tie dye peace keepsake! ☮️ ❤️

To Report Bullying

Stop Bullying
Please contact:
Denise Pertuz
HIB Coordinator
201-271-2310, Ext. 71610
HIB Score
78 out of 78

Spotlight 3


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